Friday 23 March 2012

Hebatnya SOLAT umat nabi Muhammad

Allah S.W.T selesai menciptakan Jibrail AS dengan bentuk yang cantik, dan Allah menciptakan pula baginya 600 sayap yang panjang, sayap itu antara timur dan barat (ada pendapat lain menyatakan 124,000 sayap). Setelah itu Jibrail AS memandang dirinya sendiri dan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku, adakah Engkau menciptakan makhluk yang lebih baik daripada aku?."
Lalu Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud.. "Tidak" Kemudian Jibrail AS berdiri serta solat dua rakaat kerana syukur kepada Allah S.W.T. dan tiap-tiap rakaat itu lamanya 20,000 tahun.

Setelah selesai Jibrail AS solat, maka Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud. "Wahai Jibrail, kamu telah menyembah aku dengan ibadah yang bersungguh-sungguh, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang menyembah kepadaku seperti ibadat kamu, akan tetapi di akhir zaman nanti akan datang seorang Nabi yang mulia yang paling aku cintai, namanya Muhammad.' Dia mempunyai umat yang lemah dan sentiasa berdosa, sekiranya mereka itu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat yang hanya sebentar sahaja, dan mereka dalam keadaan lupa serta serba kurang, fikiran mereka melayang bermacam-macam dan dosa mereka pun besar juga. Maka demi kemuliaannKu dan ketinggianKu, sesungguhnya solat mereka itu aku lebih sukai dari solatmu itu. Kerana mereka mengerjakan solat atas perintahKu, sedangkan kamu mengerjakan solat bukan atas perintahKu." Kemudian Jibrail AS berkata: "Ya Tuhanku, apakah yang Engkau hadiahkan kepada mereka sebagai imbalan ibadat mereka?" Lalu Allah berfirman yang bermaksud. "Ya Jibrail, akan Aku berikan syurga Ma'waa sebagai tempat tinggal..." Kemudian Jibrail AS meminta izin kepada Allah untuk melihat syurga Ma'waa. Setelah Jibrail AS mendapat izin dari Allah S.W.T maka pergilah Jibrail AS dengan mengembangkan sayapnya dan terbang, setiap dia mengembangkan dua sayapnya dia boleh menempuh jarak perjalanan 3,000 tahun, terbanglah malaikat Jibrail AS selama 300 tahun sehingga ia merasa letih dan lemah dan akhirnya dia turun singgah berteduh di bawah bayangan sebuah pohon dan dia sujud kepada Allah S.W.T lalu ia berkata dalam sujud:

"Ya Tuhanku apakah sudah aku menempuh jarak perjalanan setengahnya, atau sepertiganya, atau seperempatnya? " Kemudian Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud. "Wahai Jibrail, kalau kamu dapat terbang selama 3,000 tahun dan meskipun aku memberikan kekuatan kepadamu seperti kekuatan yang engkau miliki, lalu kamu terbang seperti yang telah kamu lakukan, nescaya kamu tidak akan sampai kepada sepersepuluh dari beberapa perpuluhan yang telah kuberikan kepada umat Muhammad terhadap imbalan solat dua rakaat yang mereka kerjakan....

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Diet Rasulullah...


Kesihatan adalah nikmat ke-2 selepas nikmat iman. Apabila kita sakit baru kita tahu mahalnya nikmat tersebut. Sebenarnya Islam lebih 'advance' dalam membicarakan hal ehwal kesihatan. 

Rasullulah tidak pernah sakit perut sepanjang hayatnya kerana pandai jaga pemakanannya .Ikut diet Rasullullah ini. InsyaAllah kita tidak akan sakit perut atau keracunan makanan... 



Allah tidak memberi kesusahan seseorang hamba melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya 


Wednesday 7 March 2012

The miracle of zam zam water ....


               Do you know the miracles of ZamZam?? ZamZam water level is around 10.6 feet below the surface. It is the miracle of Allah that when Zam Zam was pumped continuously for more than 24 hours with a pumping rate of 8,000 liters per second, water level dropped to almost 44 feet below the surface, BUT WHEN THE PUMPING WAS STOPPED, the level immediately elevated again to 13 feet after 11 minutes. 8,000 liters per second means that 8,000 x 60 = 480,000 liters per minute 480,000 liters per minutes means that 480,000 x 60 = 28.8 Million liters per hour And 28.8 Million liters per hour means that 28,800,000 x 24 = 691.2 Million liters per day So they pumped 690 Millions liters of ZamZam in 24 hours, but it was re-supplied in 11 minutes only.
         There are 2 miracles here, the first that ZamZam was re- filled immediately, & the second is that Allah Holds the extra-ordinaril y powerful Aquifer for not throwing extra ZamZam out of the well, otherwise the world will SINK. It is the translation of the word ZamZam, which means Stop !!!!!!!!!!!! Stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said by Hajirah Alaih As Salaam. Zimam is an Arabic word, it is the rope / REIN attached to bridle or noseband & it is used / pulled to stop the running animal. Zamzam water ♥ has no colour or smell, but it has a distinct taste. Islamic history states that Zamzam well was revealed to Hagar (Hājar), the second wife of Abraham and mother of Ishmael around the year 2000 BC. According to Islamic tradition, she was desperately seeking water for her infant son, but could find none, as Mecca is located in a hot dry valley with few sources of water.

         Muslim traditions say that Hagar ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwah, looking for water. Getting thirstier by the second, her son, Ismael scraped the land with his feet, where suddenly water sprang out. The name of the well comes from the phrase Zomë Zomë, meaning 'stop', a command repeated by Hagar during her attempt to contain the spring water. According to Islamic tradition, Abraham rebuilt the Bait-ul-Allah (House of God) near the site of the well, a building which had been originally constructed by Adam (Adem), and today is called the Kaaba, a building toward which all Muslims around the world face in prayer, five times each day. 
       The Zam Zam well is located approximately 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba. The Zam Zam well was excavated by hand, and is about 30 m (98 ft) deep and 1.08 to 2.66 metres (3 ft 7 in to 8 ft 9 in) in diameter. It taps groundwater from the Wadi Alluvium and some from the bedrock. Originally water from the well was drawn via ropes and buckets, but today the well itself is in a basement room where it can be seen behind glass panels (visitors are not allowed to enter). Electric pumps draw the water, which is available throughout the Masjid al-Haram via water fountains and dispensing containers near the Tawaf area. Millions of pilgrims visit the well each year while performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water. Many Muslims also consider the Zam Zam well a contemporary miracle, never having gone dry despite the millions of liters of water consumed every year. JazakALLAH 

mengadulah pada Allah...